You saw a leather bag at the store, you didn’t buy it. We are sure you have your reasons but if you are denying a leather bag you are missing a long-term promise. Because leather bags are promising. They are durable and will stay with you for many years, like your best friends would. If you will take care of your second skin , that is your leather bag (we told you, didn’t we? ) it will take care of you. What does your skin do? Protect us. Yes, it does! This is exactly what your leather bag will do for you, if only you know how to take good care of it. One thing why people avoid using leather bags is that they believe in the fact that it is bad for the animals and the environment. But wait, did you calculate the time span a good leather bag would serve you? It will save the cost of the damage caused to the environment and will serve you for years. Now, let's move towards the main thing we are here to talk about, it is the cleanliness and healt...