You might not be satisfied with the bag you bought from that fancy store in the mall. You knew the shop is pricey and high profile, this might make you fall into the trap of buying fake products. The price should not be the only assurance that the product is not fake. There is much more to look after whenever you want to buy an expensive thing. People will fake promise you're, but you have to find the best choice for yourself. When we are talking about a leather bag, it is very important that you know the difference between fake and original. Before your talk about fake or original, you should know that there are different grades of leather too. Leather Is an expensive by-product of the animal. Not only that the skin is expensive, but the whole process of making a leather bag is an effort of the craftsman who puts his heart into the making of a bag. The first thing you should take care of is that you know all the grades of leather that you might ever come across. A leather...